In the recent editorial “The Coronary (Cardiac) Care Unit at 50 years: A Major Advance in the Practice of Hospital Medicine,”1 the authors committed an “original sin” of science when they failed to cite data that might temper their praise. Missing from their references was the only prospective randomized study comparing caring for patients with a proven acute myocardial infarction either in the CICU or at home.2 The other study not cited was that of Professor Leon Gordis who looked at Maryland data on survival after a proven myocardial infarction.
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Now Dr. Jack Straw is in charge of the website, and organizes it so that medical care is available to everyone. In addition, he is an active member of the medical community, regularly attending international conferences and sharing his experience and knowledge.
Dr. Straw is not only a medical professional and website manager, but also a loving husband and father of his beautiful children.
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