Catch of the Day: Icosapent Ethyl for Reducing Cardiovascular Risk

For decades, omega-3 fatty acids (O3FA) have been utilized for their cardioprotective effects. Although several prescription products are available, icosapent ethyl (IPE) is the only pure, eicosapentaneoic acid (EPA)-only, O3FA product. Initially approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to reduce triglyceride (TG) levels in patients with TG levels ≥500 mg/dL, the Reduction of Cardiovascular Events With Icosapent Ethyl–Intervention Trial (REDUCE-IT) demonstrated that IPE reduces cardiovascular events in patients with either established atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) or diabetes mellitus plus ≥2 ASCVD risk factors, a TG level between 135 mg/dL and 499 mg/dL, and who were taking a statin.

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Now Dr. Jack Straw is in charge of the website, and organizes it so that medical care is available to everyone. In addition, he is an active member of the medical community, regularly attending international conferences and sharing his experience and knowledge. Dr. Straw is not only a medical professional and website manager, but also a loving husband and father of his beautiful children.
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