A simple blood test may be able to determine how physically fit you are, according to a new study.
New molecule stops drug cravings in mice, with fewer side effects
Researchers have developed a synthetic molecule that selectively controls the physiological rewards of cocaine in mice. It also may represent…
Users of high-potency cannabis four times more likely to report associated problems
Users of high-potency cannabis are four times more likely to report associated problems, and twice as likely to report anxiety…
Beyond the garnish: Will a new type of produce get the microgreen light?
Microgreens. They’re leafy green vegetables that are relatively new to the dining room, but a new study indicates that they…
Key components of proteins are twisted to boost reactions useful to medicine
In proteins, amino acids are held together by amide bonds. These bonds are long-lived and are robust against changes in…
Impact of major life events on wellbeing
Researchers examined the effect of 18 major life events on wellbeing.
Exploiting viruses to attack cancer cells
Scientists have made an adenovirus that specifically replicates inside and kills cancer cells by employing special RNA-stabilizing elements.
Previously claimed memory boosting font ‘Sans Forgetica’ does not actually boost memory
It was previously claimed that the font Sans Forgetica could enhance people’s memory for information, however researchers have found after…
Tackling airborne transmission of COVID-19 indoors
Preventing airborne transmission of Covid-19 should be the next front of the battle against the virus, argue experts in a…
Sugars could be the key to an earlier, more accurate test for prostate cancer
A new type of test that uses complex sugars to detect prostate cancer earlier and with greater accuracy.