Beigel et al. have provided in the Journal the first report of an effective treatment for Covid-19, resulting from a…
Hospitalization and Mortality among Black Patients and White Patients with Covid-19
Surveillance of the clinical characteristics and outcomes of hospitalized patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) is imperative for elucidating the…
Long-Term Care Policy after Covid-19 — Solving the Nursing Home Crisis
Nursing homes have been caught in the crosshairs of the coronavirus pandemic. As of early May 2020, Covid-19 had claimed…
Where Do the Children Play?
We are both physician trainees — a cardiology fellow and a general surgery resident — in New York City. We…
Is Takeout and Delivery Food Safe?
Yes, if you follow some common-sense guidelines. Here are some answers from health experts.
Is Takeout and Delivery Food Safe?
Yes, if you follow some common-sense guidelines. Here are some answers from health experts.
Ear infections discovered in remains of humans living in Levant 15,000 years ago
Researchers have discovered evidence of ear infections in the skull remains of humans living in the Levant some 15,000 years…
Exploring the use of ‘stretchable’ words in social media
An investigation of Twitter messages reveals new insights and tools for studying how people use stretched words, such as ‘duuuuude,’…
Coronavirus Isn’t Keeping Florida Crowds From SpaceX Launch
Many beachside hotels along the state’s Space Coast were already at capacity before Wednesday’s scheduled launch, a local tourism executive…
Coronavirus Isn’t Keeping Florida Crowds From SpaceX Launch
Many beachside hotels along the state’s Space Coast were already at capacity before Wednesday’s scheduled launch, a local tourism executive…