Scientists are revising the timeline of how the virus spread. Education Secretary Betsy DeVos said she would direct public school…
A Possible Remedy for Pandemic Stress: Exercise
People who stayed physically active while sheltering were less depressed and more mentally resilient than those whose activity levels declined.
A Possible Remedy for Pandemic Stress: Exercise
People who stayed physically active while sheltering were less depressed and more mentally resilient than those whose activity levels declined.
France Bans Malaria Drug for Coronavirus Treatments
Nissan and Renault and trying to reset their troubled relationship. An E.U. recovery plan could bring the bloc closer to…
E.U. and Japan Push Coronavirus Stimulus Packages: Live Coverage
France revoked the authorization for hydroxychloroquine as a treatment for Covid-19 patients. The rise of virus-tracking apps in China is…
Optimal time to treat Huntington’s disease identified
The earliest brain changes due to Huntington’s disease can be detected 24 years before clinical symptoms show, according to a…
Chimpanzees help trace the evolution of human speech back to ancient ancestors
One of the most promising theories for the evolution of human speech has finally received support from chimpanzee communication.
Serum free thiols predict cardiovascular events and all-cause mortality in the general population: a prospective cohort study
Serum free thiols (R-SH, sulfhydryl groups) reliably reflect systemic oxidative stress. Since serum free thiols are rapidly oxidized by reactive…
Evaluation of the potential incidence of COVID-19 and effectiveness of containment measures in Spain: a data-driven approach
We are currently experiencing an unprecedented challenge, managing and containing an outbreak of a new coronavirus disease known as COVID-19.…
Can copying your friends help you achieve your goals?
Consumers often struggle to achieve self-set life improvement goals, but what if deliberately emulating the successful strategies used by their…