Experts in the Japanese phenomena of hikikomori say the condition of extreme social isolation is more widespread than previously acknowledged,…
Medical News Today: What to know about alcohol and depression
Alcohol is a depressant and can amplify or trigger depression symptoms in some people. Learn more about the links between…
Medical News Today: What to do if bleach gets on the skin
Bleach is corrosive and can cause irritation if it comes into contact with the skin, eyes, or airways. Learn what…
Deep learning differentiates small renal masses on multiphase CT
A deep learning method with a convolutional neural network can support the evaluation of small solid renal masses in dynamic…
Medical News Today: Differentiating ingrown hairs and herpes
People may sometimes confuse herpes and ingrown hairs because they can cause similar symptoms. Learn how to tell the difference…
First genomic study of puberty yields insights into development and cancer
In the first-ever genome-scale analysis of the puberty process in humans, researchers outline distinct and critical changes to stem cells…
New protocol to generate intestinal organoids in vitro
Researchers have developed a new way to generate groups of intestinal cells that can be used, among others, to make…
Medical News Today: Insomnia: When I took part in a sleep study
After living with insomnia for 12 years, our Research Editor’s mom took part in a research study investigating the microbiome…
Molecular switch for repairing central nervous system disorders
A molecular switch has the ability to turn on a substance in animals that repairs neurological damage in disorders such…
Molecular characteristics of leptomeningeal melanoma metastases
Very little information is known about the molecular development of leptomeningeal melanoma metastases (LMM), making it difficult to develop effective…