The peaceful and delicate co-existence of friendly gut bacteria and the immune system relies on highly coordinated information exchange between…
‘Flash and freeze’ reveals dynamics of nerve connections
How do the physical parts of a neuron enable it to process and communicate information? Relating structure to function is…
Common chemical disrupts reproductive biology
Experiments in worms reveal the molecular damage caused by DEHP, a chemical commonly used to make plastics flexible. DEHP interferes…
An out-of-the-box attack on diabetes
A protein newly identified as important in type 1 diabetes can delay onset of the disease in diabetic mice, providing…
New way that immune cells detect infections and cancers
Researchers have determined the molecular basis for how an important component of the immune system, called gamma-delta T cells, detects…
Medical News Today: Gastroenterologists: What to know
Gastroenterologists are medical professionals who specialize in the digestive system. Learn about what they do and the conditions they may…
Cancer: Giving entire course of radiation treatment in less than a second is feasible
Cancer patients may one day be able to get their entire course of radiation therapy in less than a second…
Less-than-perfect kidneys can be successfully used for transplants, study shows
A new study provides the strongest evidence to date that hundreds of deceased donor kidneys, discarded each year after being…
One-fourth of children with autism are undiagnosed
One-fourth of children under age 8 with autism spectrum disorder — most of them black or Hispanic — are not…
BPA replacement, BPS, hinders heart function, study reveals
BPA’s counterpart replacement BPS can hinder heart function within minutes of a single exposure, according to a new study.