Researchers have developed a new hydrogel based on the body’s natural peptide defense. It has been shown to prevent and…
Virus surfaces help engineers study vaccine and gene therapy applications
An isoelectric point is a common way to characterize viruses. However, it’s not easy. To improve manufacturing for vaccines and…
Medical News Today: Does the air we breathe influence our schizophrenia risk?
Researchers have concluded that exposure to air pollution during childhood could significantly increase a person’s risk of schizophrenia.
Most meat eaters support veganism as ‘ethical’ and good for the environment
A new survey of 1000 meat eaters finds support for the principles of veganism, but suggests most think it is…
Scientists discover how TB puts the brakes on our immune engines
The scientists pinpointed a small mRNA molecule used by TB bacteria to shut down key engines that drive our immune…
Just don’t eat it: Play Doh, dry pasta show little gluten transfer when used for play
Parents who worry their child with celiac disease may be exposed to gluten at school might be able to strike…
Virtual reality, real injuries: How to reduce physical risk in VR
Carpal tunnel, stiff shoulders, eye-strain headaches — these are all well-known side effects of prolonged computer use. But what happens…
Intervention for patients hospitalized with HIV improved reengagement and outcomes of care
Providing multidisciplinary team consults for HIV patients while they are hospitalized to help address social and medical barriers reduces future…
Complete filling of batches of nanopipettes
Researchers report an efficient method for filling a batch of nanopipettes with a pore opening below 10 nanometer. The method…
Nanoparticles deliver ‘suicide gene’ therapy to pediatric brain tumors growing in mice
Researchers report that a type of biodegradable, lab-engineered nanoparticle they fashioned can successfully deliver a ”suicide gene” to pediatric brain…