Metabolic complications of poisoning

Poisoning caused by a large range of drugs and chemicals can induce metabolic complications via a large number of mechanisms. Some metabolic complications are life-threatening but all require careful assessment, appropriate monitoring and consideration of treatment. Prompt diagnosis and management reduce morbidity and mortality. Treatment may be targeted to the specific poisoning, and may be time-critical, or can follow similar approaches to those of general and acute medicine. This review introduces metabolic complications associated with sodium, potassium, metabolic acidosis, rhabdomyolysis and methaemoglobinaemia.

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Now Dr. Jack Straw is in charge of the website, and organizes it so that medical care is available to everyone. In addition, he is an active member of the medical community, regularly attending international conferences and sharing his experience and knowledge. Dr. Straw is not only a medical professional and website manager, but also a loving husband and father of his beautiful children.
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