The site of was created to provide users with information about Metronidazole(Flagyl) and Diflucan or Fluconazole, treatments for fungal diseases and thrush.
Metronidazole, commonly known by the brand name Flagyl, is an antibiotic and antiprotozoal medication. It is used to treat various bacterial and parasitic infections in the body. Metronidazole works by inhibiting the growth of bacteria and parasites.
On our site we provide full information about this meds. You are welcome!
Duflucan is a common synthetic antifungal drug of the triazole group for the treatment and prevention of candidiasis and some other mycoses.
Many ladies have had to deal with such a nuisance as thrush. In fact, no one is immune from it, because candidiasis is often not associated with some kind of intervention from outside (such as taking antibiotics), but is caused by a decrease in immunity or even an allergy to shower gel, special gels, pads and toilet paper.
Duflucan or its analogue Fluconazole in a couple of days to eliminate thrush or fungal disease and make you happier and healthier.
The site does not sell prescription drugs, it only provides information about diseases and treatments.
Dr. Jack Straw
Jack Straw is an internist from the United States. He is a professional in his field who was able to expand the horizons of helping people beyond his hospital and created his own website dedicated to internal diseases (heart, lungs, liver, digestive tract, kidneys, and much more). He was able to organize online medical care so that every patient could find useful information and cope with his illness.

Jack Straw was born in 1976 in Toronto. Already from birth he knew that his destiny was to be a doctor. As a high school student, he participated in various clubs and dreamed of studying at a prestigious medical school, but his family didn’t have enough money to pay for expensive medical school. But Jack didn’t give up and won a grant to study at New York Medical College. The training was exciting, Jack took part in various medical clubs. Already in the first year he began working part-time in the therapy department as a junior medical brother, learning all the basics of medicine from the bottom.
After six years of training, Dr. Jack Straw worked at NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital. For more than seven years he helped patients with various pathologies. But after analyzing the entire system of medical care, he realized that his options were limited by hospital walls and job restrictions.
So he and a few like-minded people decided to push the boundaries of helping people, helping everyone without exception, including those with low financial means. They created various Facebook, Telegram and Twitter pages and filled them with useful, accessible information.
People’s interest grew at an extraordinary rate, and within six months, more than 2,000 people had become active readers. Unfortunately, social networks do not allow for proper structuring of all the information and organizing a convenient form of communication with patients. That is why Dr. Straw created his own website, where he regularly posts interesting and useful information about diseases of internal organs, effective medicines, modern treatment methods, and much more.
A year later, Jack Straw realized that informing people about diseases is not enough. And we need to help them take the first step toward recovery. Most internal diseases are chronic and full recovery is impossible. But on the pages of his Web site, the doctor explains in detail how to live amicably with your disease while maintaining a high quality of life.
Now Dr. Jack Straw is in charge of the website, and organizes it so that medical care is available to everyone. In addition, he is an active member of the medical community, regularly attending international conferences and sharing his experience and knowledge.
Dr. Straw is not only a medical professional and website manager, but also a loving husband and father of his beautiful children.
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