Sensors that monitor a patient’s condition during and after medical procedures can be expensive, uncomfortable and even dangerous. Now, an…
Personalized cancer vaccine clinical trial to expand following promising early results
A recent trial to study safety and effectiveness of a personalized cancer vaccine combined with immunotherapy drug Pembrolizumab will expand…
Five mistakes people make when sharing COVID-19 data visualizations on Twitter
An analysis of coronavirus-related information sharing on Twitter found that average citizens commonly made one of five errors when trying…
Printable ink guides cell growth, offers nerve injury hope
New research has cracked a major challenge in the emerging field of nerve engineering. The ink can concentrate neuron growth…
Backup mechanism removes cellular debris from the brain
Microglia — the brain’s immune cells — play a primary role in removing cellular debris from the brain. A research…
Fish give insight on sound sensitivity in autism
Scientists used zebrafish that carry the same genetic mutations as humans with Fragile X syndrome and autism, and discovered the…
Empathy and perspective taking: How social skills are built
Being able to feel empathy and to take in the other person’s perspective are two abilities through which we understand…
Do consumers enjoy events more when commenting on them?
Generating content increases people’s enjoyment of positive experiences.
Chemicals in your living room cause diabetes
A new study shows flame retardants found in nearly every American home cause mice to give birth to offspring that…
In Brazil’s Halt of Chinese Vaccine Trial, Critics See Politics
The government offered little explanation as to why it had stopped testing a promising coronavirus shot; an institute involved in…