Plenty of new research underscores the reality that women are still shouldering, and expected to shoulder, much of the work…
Does ‘Having It All’ Mean Doing It All?
Plenty of new research underscores the reality that women are still shouldering, and expected to shoulder, much of the work…
Does ‘Having It All’ Mean Doing It All?
Plenty of new research underscores the reality that women are still shouldering, and expected to shoulder, much of the work…
Do Cruciferous Vegetables Really Fight Cancer?
You cannot go wrong incorporating a lot of cruciferous vegetables, which include broccoli and brussels sprouts as well as dark…
Do Cruciferous Vegetables Really Fight Cancer?
You cannot go wrong incorporating a lot of cruciferous vegetables, which include broccoli and brussels sprouts as well as dark…
Do Cruciferous Vegetables Really Fight Cancer?
You cannot go wrong incorporating a lot of cruciferous vegetables, which include broccoli and brussels sprouts as well as dark…
Fitness to practise sanctions in UK doctors are predicted by poor performance at MRCGP and MRCP(UK) assessments: data linkage study
The predictive validity of postgraduate examinations, such as MRCGP and MRCP(UK) in the UK, is hard to assess, particularly for…
Drug Maker Pays $360 Million to Settle Investigation Into Charity Kickbacks
Prosecutors accused Actelion Pharmaceuticals, which Johnson & Johnson acquired in 2017, of violating Medicare laws by funneling money through a…
Children Move Less Starting at Age 6
By age 11, children were spending an average of almost two more hours a day in sedentary behavior than they…
Dr. Lisa Schwartz, Critic of Medical Excess, Is Dead at 55
She and her husband, also a doctor, waged a campaign against “the medicalization of everyday life” and an “epidemic of…