Use of bridging anticoagulation has been shown to be harmful and without benefit in warfarin-treated patients with atrial fibrillation. We…
Applying Evidence-Based Medicine to Shared Decision Making: Value of Restricted MeanSurvival Time
GJ is a 79-year-old woman with hypertension, diabetes, osteoporosis, depression, and New York Heart Association class II heart failure with…
Recertification: A Tale of Good Intentions but Lots of Strife
The American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM) is the largest of 24 certifying boards recognized by the American Board of…
Are We Ready to Practice Lifestyle Medicine?
There is no longer any serious doubt that what each of us does in our daily lives profoundly affects our…
Intracardiac Metastasis as the Initial Presentation ofNon–Small Cell Lung Cancer
Cardiac tumors have generally been considered to be rare. They are often found incidentally, as they tend to remain clinically…
Febrile Calcinosis in Scleroderma
The collagen vascular diseases can be challenging for the internist and are associated with higher utilization of resources and less…
The Meaning of Vermoulu in Henrik Ibsen’s Ghosts
In 1881, Henrik Ibsen’s play Ghosts shocked the theatrical world by bringing to center stage the taboo topic of venereal…
Not All It’s CrAged Up to Be: Disseminated Cryptococcosis
Phenomena known as cognitive biases, when applied to the details of a patient’s medical history, evidently steered the first attempts…
Public Awareness and Perceptions of Palliative and Comfort Care
In April 2018, Barbara Bush, champion for universal literacy and former First Lady of the United States, died at the…
More Sub-subs Are Coming!
Prior to World War I, most US physicians were general practitioners.1 A smaller number considered themselves to be ‘specialists.’ Specialties…